Sunrise |
Borobudur is the biggest Budhis temple in
Indonesia ..among other temples, like
Mendut,Pawon,Sewu,Kalasan and others,as well as one of wonders in the world,among
Angkor Watt in
Cambodia,sinking tower
Tajmahal in India,
Great wall of China,
Piramida in Egipt and
Eiffel tower in Paris.
Borobudur temple lies in
Borobudur village,..magelang regency ,..central java,..and surrounded by some mountain and volcanos..like Merapi and Merbabu in the north east,tidar in the north ,Sumbing and sindoro in the
north west and menorah in the south ….and..it
42 km to the
north west of
Yogyakarta city..With the elevation 269 m above sea level
We can see nice view from the top of it.
According to the theory based on the archeological finding..the name of
Borobudur derived from two words
“ Biara and Beduhur”..biara means
vihara or holly place and Beduhur means
above ,so its means
vihara or holly place wich was built above or on the hill.As we know that inside the temple is massive,a natural hills with 20 m hight
Borobudur temple built by King Samara Tungga and His doughter Pramudyawardani from Syailendra family,back to 8th century,it took about 75 to 100 years long to built…So.. they..put one by one of the stones block on the hill without any mortar (glue or cement) only by interlocking system like puzzle…and they needed around 2 millions block of lava stones.with 42 m hight and 123 x 123 m wide has made this temple to became so magnificent building…but no one know how many peoples who built this temple. So…inside the temple there is no room,only stones and the earth…its mean no body could go in, it make one prediction that the temple did not use to keep the ashes of the king or others.
At that time it temple used for meditation place,teaching about budishme,worship and propaganda
In the middle of tenth century there was civil war,between Hindu and
Budhis Kingdom..coused by that political reason and some natural dissaster like volcanos eruption
so they just left the temple,Since that time no one took care of the temple and it realy abundant for almost 800 years long….so finally this temple
became a ruiny place.The wall collaps,the statues felt down and broken,the floor started singking and the plantations overgrowt, it had covered by the ashes from the volcanos.When peoples start built houses and seattle around here they took some stones for it.even worst…some carving stones and statues had sent by the Dutch to other country for souvenirs like to the King of Rama fifth from Cululongkoren
Finally in 1814 Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles a British Governor General for CentralJava,rediscovered this temple…then the first restoration began in 1907 until 1910 done by Dutch government leaded by Theodorous Van Erp.He was a Dutch military engineer..whom renovated one floor on the first level,…3 circular terraces on the top and some stupas on it,..included the main stupa ..He also tried to rejoined some statues.,..
60 years later the scond restoration done by Unesco…that in 1973 till 1983 so 10 years long and spant 25 million USD..,support by 28 countries as the member of Unesco…Done by around 600 workers from local and overseas whitin 10 years.
At that work they put number or marked the stones then dismantled and took down around 1 million block of stones,and some statues.. ,also recollect the stones and statues included carving stones from every where,..took them back from villages then cleaned that stones from dirt,moss,algeaes and from some microorganisme,..They reinforced the temple by put concrete on the floors,made new drainage system,put layers with Araldite,something like glue then… put the stones and the statues back..during that work they added around 8% were new stones to reinforce some part of the temple
Finally……. the scond restoration has finished ..and innagurated by President Suharto on February 23th 1983 ,as the monument we can see on the western side of the temple.But …since that time this temple became a death monument,it means ..
Borobudur temple officially not used anymore by Budhist..only as monument and museum….Although recently they use it again for Budhist cellebration like Wicak (waisak) a cellebration for Budhas birthday on the fullmoon of may.
According to the Indonesian Budhis philosophy (Mahayana) that
Borobudur is symbol of Micro Cosmos or Small the world and the way how to visualize their universal.Where… in the Budhis cosmology there are three levels of the world like we can see in this temple consist of three levels,there are
Kamadhatu,Rupadhatu and Arupadhatu.
1.KAMA DHATU level
Kama means Karma and Dhatu means the world..the world where human being still totally controlled by all of worldly desire or possession.,..like common peoples….it .was displayed on the first terrace of temple.
2.RUPA DHATU level : Rupa means form…so in this level humen being have been trying to be free from all of worldly desire .BUT they still bounded by the human form.like budhis monks.showing us on the 5 square terraces from second to the sixth level.
3.ARUPA DHATU level : Arupa means no form…where in this level humen being has already to be free from all of karma..and they reach anlightenment so they are formlesness.and.. We can see on the three circular terraces from the seventh till ninth terraces.
And the main stupa as the biggest stupa on the top is symbol of eternity or everlasting.
The south east part of the temple..where this part representing the fisrt level of live in the Budhis cosmology,and they call it “Kama Dhatu”symbol of the wordly desire.Where we can also see what do we call “ The Hidden Base “,because ..before They finished to built the temple… it started sink…,then they had to put 13,000 m3 of lava stones to stoped and reinforced it.And here You can see some reliefs as apart of a thousands reliefs in this temple wich tell Us about six main stories….there are Mahakarma Wibangga tex,Lalitavistara,Jatakamala,Awadana,Gandawyuha and Badracari.
The first story wich we can see here now originally there are 160 panels go around the temple clockwise,but but coused by these extra stones so we can see now only 4 panels of them ..the athers pannels are 156
still behind this extra stones…before it was totally covered..no body could see the reliefs inside.Untill in 1885 this story rediscovered by
Icerman a deutch student.. then in 1890
Kasian Chepas opened and documented these panels,as we can see those photos now in the
Karmawibannga Museum just north side of the temple , This story talling us about
“Mahakharmawibangga text” a teaching about the Low of Karma and also about their daily life of the people
Budhas statues…where.. origilally there were 504 Budhas statues.,but now 43 had missing,..247 statues are not complit or broken…like no heads,no arms,and so on…some stolen,..some broken coused by nature and peoples.These statues has 6 deferrent of hands position or Mudras like :
1.Bhumisparsa Mudra : bumi means the earth,parsa means touching and mudra means hand positions….so its means the hand positions of touching to the earth,symbol of reaching anlightenment or to be frre from the worldly desire.
2.Vara Mudra………this mudra with the open right palm symbol of a give blassing or charity.
3.Dhyani Mudra ….symbol of meditation
4.Abhaya Mudra …...symbol of no worry or no dangerous
5.Vitarka Mudra ….on the fivth level all side the same mudra that is vitarka mudra symbol of teaching
6.On the three circuler terraces inside the stupas… the statues with the hand position Dharmacakra Mudra …this symbol of turning the weel of live.which there is beleave that one of them peoples call as Wishing Budha.Its a beleave not from religions… if we can touch the budhas finger or the foot of that statues so we have a good luck…so…You may try Who…knows,...
Another statues we can finde in this temple are the Lion statues,..there are 32 lion statues standing on the gates,those are symbol of
“Sakya family” where Budha come from,so peoples call him
Sakyamuni that means “Holly person from Sakya family”…On the lower level those as the door keeper and facing to the out side but on the sixth terrace the lions statues facing to the nirwana as a symbol that Sakya tribe try lead
peoples to the Nirwana or anlightenment.
Right here we can see there are something that we call Jala Dwara it means Water gate or drainage system,they built 100 jaladwara in this temple,to drain out water (from rain and others)but after the restoration these not used anymore,because they made new system already…
OK let us go to the second level…in here You can see on the stairs side and the gate…the carving of giant ,with the mouth on the top and the tongue put out down..this what do we call Kalamakara,the figure of Jowless face,big nose,big eyes,canine tooth, as a door keeper,or to purify the pilgrimer whos come into the temple from the bad spirit or evil.
Aruphadatu level :
Welcome to Arupadhatu…the level of anlightenment,where people already free from all of the worrdly form and desires.
Like we can see here symbolized by three circular terraces and no more carving and stories mean nothingness..
Circular that symbol : everlasting,,no start no ending
Three circular terraces symbol of three level of Nirwana : Nirwana,Parinirwana and MahaParinirwana..and there are 73 stupas on it included the main stupa on the top.from the bottom there are 36,24 ,16 and 1 on the top,with Budhas satue in each stupa in the hand position Dharma Cakra Mudra mean turning the weel of live,except the main stupa is empty.And on of them what people beleave as the holly Budha,according to this beleave if we can touch the Budhas ring finger for a man and the heel for woman so we will have a good luck…so You may try..who knows..but once more it is beleave …not from religions.
Ok…so..I’ll see You there
By.Imam Widodo
Indonesian Tour Guide